Zoom Fatigue? Fear of Newer Technology? Impatience with Computers?
The Santa Barbara Mission Conference has a great many loyal supporters who have attended our conference over the years. But some may be put off because this year's conference is virtual. If you are one of those, then there are five things we'd like you to consider.
Finding your sessions and breakouts will be easier than ever! - We will be using a familiar conference map format to help you find your way around the conference. All you will need to do is look at the schedule and click on the room you want to be in to watch the live stream or participate in the more interactive format of zoom.
Take breaks without missing anything! - If you've registered for the conference you may leave it when you want a break and return at any time. You can go back to see things you missed while away.
Attend all the breakouts you want! - You can see breakouts that ran concurrently with the one you chose.
Review and re-live the sessions - Each session, including breakouts, will be available hours (some even minutes) after they are done and will remain there for weeks.
LOTS OF TECH SUPPORT! - We will be posting "how to" videos and articles and creating other opportunities to help you get more comfortable in the virtual world leading up to the conference. Also, we will have a live "Tech Help" virtual room and phone number throughout the conference.
No one asked for Covid-19. However, through the grace of God we've created an amazing virtual conference that offers the same high quality content you've come to expect from the Santa Barbara Mission Conference. We've done this in a way that will also help us create ongoing connections and community, just like in the past.
Don't let your hesitation about technology get in the way of catching a vision for how you can be used in God’s mission here on earth.